Emaar Properties

About Emaar Properties

The company Emaar Properties focuses on the property development of the United Arab Emirates. The company has a joint-stock and is public. Emaar Properties is listed on the Dubai Financial Market.

The valuation of the company is US$9.7 billion as of June 2018. The business is internationally managed to offer property development and ownership services. Emaar Properties has six different business segments and sixty ongoing companies. Emaar has built a presence in over thirty markets across the Middle East region, North Africa, Pan-Asia, Europe, and North America.

Emaar Properties has a successful environmental policy. Emaar Properties is focused on providing environmental sustainability in the highest standards. Emaar Properties values protecting the environment and making sure their communities are sustainable. The goal of the company is to reduce and minimize negative environmental impact. The Emaar foundation was established to affect regional and international CSR initiatives, The company has the objecting of being a global leader, inspiring humanity, and helping the underprivileged

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